Monthly Topics

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Muck & The Mire Bio

So i have working on recording this CD, The Muck & The Mire, and in it i am going to talk about what the title of the CD comes from, and here's what i got, give me feedback on what you like, any editing, or even what you don't like.

It's all about relationships. We are in relationship with God, and we are constantly coming in contact with people in our lives. We must realize that relationships grow, form, and mature, and in order for this positive thing to happen we have to learn and develop through life's up and downs. If every time we came in contact with a pressing issue, hardship, or struggle, and all we did was push it aside and run away, we would never get anywhere in life. Relationships would be stale, dull, and superficial, our trust in God and walk with God would be lacking, uneventful, and depleting. We have to step back from our lives, put it in God's hands and see that this relationship with God is what it's all about. Everything in life falls under the authority and reign of God, and He loves us and knows what's best for us. If we want to grow in life, learn and develop, we must grow in our relationship with God, but that will never happen if we run from the areas in life that God is wanting us to grow in, and the places he wants to heal us in, the places where he cares about our heart and wants to work in. This is the muck and the mire, that when we find God, we begin to desire more, we desire truth, life, and love; but that would never come if we continually avoid the muck and the mire that He wants us to go through to grow and have healing. Our hearts would become like Israel's where they knew about the goodness, completeness, and perfectness of the promise land, but turned from trusting in God, and ran away from the posing threats. They saw the hard things that they where going to have to go through to get to the promise land, and they were afraid of hurt, change, and putting to death their lives. So, they walked away from it to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, but God never left them, He cared about their hearts and desired for them to have truth, life and love. But they never could have that, unless they went through the muck and the mire, dying to themselves, pushing through the hardships with God. God is looking for a generation who will have “faith of a mustard seed” to believe that God cares about their heart, and knows what's best for them. Who will go through the muck and the mire and press into their relationship with God to find truth, life, and love; and then deposit that into this world. To put God as their center in everything, relationships, dreams, everything! and love people as Jesus first loved them. We must go through the muck and the mire, that's what relationships are all about.

1 comment:

Lighthouse Prayer Line said...

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for sharing that with us! Very insightful!

Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you
mind praying for the prayer requests that are
on our main page?

May the Lord bless you and your family!!

Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay

ps - please consider "following" our blog -or- atleast
grab one of our free, linking, blue buttons. (see top
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