Monthly Topics

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Phoebe in Wonderland/College

So these two things are tied into eachother, suprisingly. I had a conversation with Tracy Curtis this summer and she told me about a new thing starting in colleges called music psychotherapy. I looked it up and it is very very interesting and appealing to me. How? (you may be asking) Well... I love music and teaching it, and i think God has giving me a heart for caring for children (specifically girls) with disablities. This then leads me to the movie, "Phoebe in Wonderland" because the girl in the movie has Tourette’s syndrome and is very hard for her parents, but... the girl is totally normal and amazing when she is acting, because she is able to focus on doing one thing, so she does it very well and doesn't have outbreaks. Side note- i think this is my new favorite movie. This brought me to thinking about how music could totally be that for children with disablilities like this. I looked on google and found something on Tourette’s syndrome that came from the Center of Music Learning, that is under the name of The University of Texas at Austin. So i think that college's are making the connection with using music to help children with disablilites, and they have created courses for this career in councilling. All that to say, I'm very interested and may be looking into that for college. I think it would be incorporating psychology, music, counciling, and teaching. All things that i love to do/talk about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jonny, I loved this. I can see it! God has put it in your heart for a reason. He'll bring it to pass. I also loved what you shared about leaving Sisters, being like Paul, etc. Remember, the best gift you can give to this world and your relationships, is YOU! Hugs, glad you are safe in Medford. Loves, mom