Monthly Topics

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Beginning of Anthem and our Retreat

So this is my first post for my days in Anthem.

To start it off, as everyone knows I took off on Friday to go to Medford, and I left around 12 o'clock, ,made it through Bend and was so excited, until about 20 minutes just outside of Sunriver, my car birthed a glitch. I was maintaing about 60 mph when all the sudden my accelerator dropped and became very touchy. I would push my foot down on the accelerator and I would maybe accelerate about 2 mph but my rpm's were jumping like crazy. On top of it all smelled some burning oil and heard a whining in my engine that was probably close to a G# tone. My transmission was shot! Long story short, I could still drive my car, so I back tracked it all to Sisters and left it at Alison Tenneson's house. She has someone take a look at it, and yes, my transmission was shot. Cost: $1,800. Not quite pocket change. I am looking forward to my tax return I will get sometime in February, but I am not going to enjoy the 4 months being carless. Be praying for my transportation issue. It's such a minor thing right now, because I am trusting that Jesus has such a great plan for me and will take care of me.

I made it to Meford though on Saturday, by mooching a ride off the Tenneson's. I got to my apartment, have all my stuff unpacked and I am nice and settled - for all those people who may be ask others if I am settled. I stayed for a night, and Sunday I went and attended Living Waters Church service. Talk about a church who's entire body is completely surrendered and broken to the love and Holy Spirit of God. I have honestly never seen a church like this; a normal church service was like a day of summer camp at Crestview. I will talk more about church in future posts, since this is only the first.

The Retreat was sooo amazing, God has so much in store for me, and is taking me to greater things. It was so awesome to be in this intimate setting with all these people who are longing for the desires and heart of God. Ryan Rhoden, the head of Anthem, took us through Colossians chapter 3. What an amazing chapter, this is the basis of our rules for Anthem. We went through this chapter like two hundred times throughout the retreat, analyzing it so much, and really get what God wants us to get us out of the chapter.

Well they are shutting down the internet here in 10, no now 9 minutes. So I will get these out to you and keep in touch.

"Renewing of the Mind" - Tory Wheeler who got it from our Associate Pastor Verl Simpson


ericandash said...

hey jonny, i like that you are starting a blog about this year! it will be so cool to look back and see all that God has done in you. it is going to be awesome! i am so glad that you are here!

Anonymous said...

Jonny, you made your mom cry today. SO proud of you, your heart for God, your mature writing, your trust with the car situation...God has blessed me with a son like you! Awesome blog and I look forward to reading it all year.
love mom