Monthly Topics

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"The Canteen"

I had this picture the other day (I thought I wrote about it, but i guess not), and it was of us being so dependant on God that we (metaphore) run to the river with our canteen in hand saying God fill us, and he overflows our canteen. It's kind of a simple concept and picture, but it spoke to me and made me think. I think I had the picture when I was praying and thinking about the whole communion thing (last post, for people who are actually keeping up ha).

The cool part of this picture is that tonight, we had a worship and soaking service at the church, and it was awesome by the way. But what was sweet was that God gave me a different picture that related to the canteen. It was that we were going to the river with this huge canteen that weighed like 100 pounds (not filled) and it took both arms completely outstretched to hold. Then we'd finally make it to the river, dropping it a couple times on the way, maybe contemplate on not actually taking this huge monster. But then we tell ourselves we have so much STUFF in our life that we have to have to have this HUGE canteen filled with God's water to refresh us, so that we can keep going on the same way, but "feel" better and refreshed. With that God was saying to me that we should progressively bring a smaller canteen because as we become more surrendered to God, we have less stuff that we need God to cover and refresh us with. Because as we become more surrendered, we care less and less about ourselves, because we are completely surrendered to God, and we care more for others, the way Jesus did, and the way that Christianity says we are supposed to. (the whole Christians are Christ-like thing - which is actually true) You could even get to a point where you are carrying two canteen's down to the river, one for you (because you will always need a canteen for yourself, because only Jesus could really be completely selfless and surrendered) and another canteen for someone else.

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