Monthly Topics

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Forevermore Once Again!!!!

Yes, it's Coming again, it's Forevermore, The Re-Birth!

This post is going to be coming in parts as I keep updating it, but today we had a class with our Senior Pastor Garris Elkins, and during it I totally felt the Holy Spirit bringing a major heaviness on me as I thought about Forevermore. I was feeling so excited about it that my stomach was hurting, and I was like "okay God I get it, you want us to do Forevermore, now take away the butterflies in my stomach." It's was a crazy awesome thing, but I really felt like God was wanting me to Re-Birth Forevermore and have everyone in Anthem be apart of it.

But what is IT? you may be asking... Well Forevermore is an event me and a core group of friends did where we invited all the youth groups from Sisters, and our church to come to a night of worship where it was our core youth worship team and a couple other individuals that helped us out. Our focus was that we could all come together under one common theme of, Jesus. Our phrase for it was, "No religion, just Jesus." With this in mind we didn't was to be teaching doctrine, or telling people about how they suck as life, or that eveyone is a sinner. We were coming together to pursue the Holy Spirit and let God speak to everyones' heart. This was kind of the basics.

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