Monthly Topics

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hey so I had this idea for a band. I have told lots of people about it, but it would be awesome if people pray about this and if they feel like God wants this for me.

So this is the gist of the band. We are called Corinthians because, the point of Corinthians was for Paul to help the Corinthians Church by strengthening the church, and challenge those people to model their lives after the heart of Christ. With that in mind, we (which is just me at the moment) are going to go to churches (mostly 4 square and assemblies of God) to challenge the churches body and really get to know the people in the church, and help them keep their focus on the heart of God. Our (mine so far ha) mission statement is: "Reshape and reignite God's Holy church by unifying the body of Christ under a shared passion for the love of Jesus Christ."

Our schedule would look like: Saturday we would be at a church and have an awesome worship concert and share God's heart with the people. Sunday we would help out with the worship and talk with the worship team and be constantly getting closer to the people at the head of the church, so that we develop a faithful bond between them. Monday we would travel to another church/youth group. Show up on Tuesday and have a concert/worship night with youth or church, and once again hang out with the people, and have fun and laugh. Wednesday we would help out with worship and maybe share a message for youth. Ultimately doing this so that we can impact the youth and see the spread out to their families. "Any revolution starts with the youth" - I think I heard this quote from Joe. Thursday and Friday maybe have another concert in which we invite people from all over, and we advertise this concert and have a major revival!!! Then we would start it all over on Saturday doing what we did the week before.

Another idea I had in mind for Corinthians is that we are totally not doing this for money, maybe alittle bit for publicity, but mainly for the church. Our only income we will get is from the churh, as donatoins towards us being able to continue spreading God's heart for the church.

I will be posting more stuff about Corinthians, like who else is in the band ha, and what else God gives me for this. But be praying for this.

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