Monthly Topics

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I just thought that i'd write about how tight things are getting right now. I'm trying so hard to continue to conserve my money but i am constantly having to buy things for myself, food and such. I just spent 20 bucks for a halloween costume, now i have probably less than a hundred bucks left after i pay for my car insurance, not forgetting to mention that it cost me a hundred dollars just to register my car under my name. Who knew driving legally was such a huge issue.

That makes me think of a book i read called Into The Wild, where the boy has so many problems about our world such as we claim to live in a society that has freedom, yet he can't even canoe on a river because someone owns it and there are a bunch of laws against people canoing without licenses and experience. Sooo, what about driving, if i made a car myself, i wouldn't even beable to drive it for free, i'd need a license, tags, it be registered, insurance - so much for FREEdom.

Maybe i'm just being too literal...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Jonny,
I'm glad to see that you have hit on such a huge sociological truth. You see, things are not what they appear. They are often not what they are claimed to be or what we're told they are, especially many of the nationalistic mantras, such as land of the free. Many people are stuck. There is legal freedom for people to advance and gain power and earn wages, but there are social forces impeding that "freedom." We are not as free as we like to think we are. I think it is part of the Christian life. Some people would say that the only way to escape those holds that society has on us is to isolate. For example, if we lived in a cabin in the mountains we would have no need for a car, thereby displacing that shackle. As Christians though, we engage the world. We realize that it is broken and screwed up. Things are not as they are in heaven. It is our prayer, along with Jesus, that God's will be present on earth as it is in heaven. It is a prayer we not only recite but try to live. I'm glad you have a car and that it is working. Maybe there are ways to get some money to help with insurance and other vehicle expenses. Can you agree to share it with someone and go halves on some things? I love you, Bro.