Monthly Topics

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Phoebe in Wonderland/College

So these two things are tied into eachother, suprisingly. I had a conversation with Tracy Curtis this summer and she told me about a new thing starting in colleges called music psychotherapy. I looked it up and it is very very interesting and appealing to me. How? (you may be asking) Well... I love music and teaching it, and i think God has giving me a heart for caring for children (specifically girls) with disablities. This then leads me to the movie, "Phoebe in Wonderland" because the girl in the movie has Tourette’s syndrome and is very hard for her parents, but... the girl is totally normal and amazing when she is acting, because she is able to focus on doing one thing, so she does it very well and doesn't have outbreaks. Side note- i think this is my new favorite movie. This brought me to thinking about how music could totally be that for children with disablilities like this. I looked on google and found something on Tourette’s syndrome that came from the Center of Music Learning, that is under the name of The University of Texas at Austin. So i think that college's are making the connection with using music to help children with disablilites, and they have created courses for this career in councilling. All that to say, I'm very interested and may be looking into that for college. I think it would be incorporating psychology, music, counciling, and teaching. All things that i love to do/talk about.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A new year, and a new season.

So it's been since June 6th, since i've last posted anything. Even though i'm sure that there aren't many people who have checked out my blog much since then. However, despite the critics (just kidding) i will continue to write and update my blog.

Recently i've been in a very blah state of place because my time in Sisters is growing very very short, and i'm not sure if i'll return for a good chunk of time. But... as i've been encouraged to do, i will end my time hear going up a ramp, that will propell me off into Anthem. I'm going to Medford the 21st, Monday, and i can't wait to get there and start doing something with my life.

Speaking of life, in the past i have questioned what life is about, and asked others what they feel it's all about. One thing i know for sure is that, it's not all about this life here on Earth (phew, thank you Jesus) and one thing i think that is important to this life is relationships. A new thing that God is showing me, parts i'm receiving from reading "The Shack", is that we live for independance, which is wrong, because we should one to be one body, one church, and united with God. So then it takes me to lives in the Bible, like Paul. He was totally off track, killing Christians, i don't think you can get much worse. But then he discovers the love of God and the goodness and life that God is, and all the sudden we see someone who is devoting everything, literally everything to serving and loving God. Soooo, then i go, well why am I not living like Paul. I know the goodness, truth, hope, love, and completeness God brings, so why am i still sitting here drinking my coffe, worrying about money, jobs, relationships? (I just lost half a page of things i wrote, ahhh, very frustrating, but i will try to re-write what i had)

Colossians 3 says, to set our sights on Heaven, not on this world.

I can't go on... i lost half a page, as i already mentioned, and i can't get it back. Guess i'll leave it at that.