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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Been Awhile?

Yes. Yes it has been awhile since my last post, I can't blame this one on business however, the delay comes from my lack of commitment to this ha. So what's been new Jonny? Well I am doing great, the last couple of weeks have been some of the greatest weeks of my life, not because i won the lottery, or made a winning shot in a basketball game and received fame, or because i played a song at a coffee shop and got signed to a 10 year contract with a major record label. No those things do not attribute to these past great weeks. It's more than having good things happen to me, it's that in hard things God has been faithful to be there always. Not saying the past two weeks have been hard or bad. Actually nothing really bad ever happened. Had a few deep, confrontational conversations with a few choice people, but God has been faithful to shower me with His love, comfort, gifts, joy, and peace. I've also been talking to God more, and have been hearing Him more as He speaks to me. (Just to let you know I just had a coffe so I'm pumped right now, that was my 2nd burst of coffee today)

I'm going to get some TBell right now. Then i got church tonight and I'm taking care of the kids, it's going to rock, hopefully i don't have a down after my caffine fades away.

Lastly I have an opportunity to potentialy be an intern at Beaverton Four Square this summer, so be praying for me and that God will give me clarity. Love ya guys, sorry that I'm kind lame and type random stuff, that's not really inspiring and challenging, such as Garris Elkins blog. (It rocks, everyone should check it out!!!!)

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