Monthly Topics

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sin Effects Everyone

I was in the shower this morning and God popped a thought in my head and made me think of how people talk about how when we sin we hurt ourselves but we also effect the people around us. (Sorry if I'm using the wrong form of "effect" for all you linguists - Mom) So i began to ponder, with God, how much do we actually effect others with our sin? The main instance that i can relate this concept to is Kyle Whips death. I think about how he died of an overdose and how he was in the company of so many Christians up to this point. This reminded me of how when we sin, we separate ourselves from God more and more, and how we refuse to listen to God and don't hear him more as we sin. So... how many times, i wonder, did God speak directly to someone, to say something or do something with Kyle that would have radically changed the circumstances of his death. I worked with Kyle, so for me, I can even look at times when i sinned while i worked with him, and wonder if God was trying to direct me to help steer Kyle back to the heart of God. Now maybe God did tell me something and my own selfish crap got in the way, but i wonder how many times an opportunity came up for someone to minister to him, and it was turned down by our own flesh getting in the way. We know that Satin comes to steal, kill, and destroy, so how many times does Satin use sin to help kill someone else, who has been effected by someone else's sin, without even knowing it.

This brings me to Adam and Eve. Eve went and ate of the Tree of Knowledge and directly disobeyed God, which is a sin. And then Adam who didn't even know what was going on was totally effected by Eve's sin, because her flesh led her to convince, or manipulate Adam into eating the fruit. If Eve would have not sinned, Adam would have not sinned, thus Jesus never would have had to die on the cross. To take this even further, (you might be tracking with me already) Adam and Eve's sin, now and forever has effected us all, by allowing sin into this world. Adam never knew how much his sin was going to effect the entire human race, but it did. Now we wait until the day of Judgment when God will come again to rid this world completely of evil. Praise god that we are forgiven of sin, because sin in this light, has opened my eyes to see how much more destructive my flesh is. I understand that Jesus took all the pain and suffering for my sin, but now I see that my sin, pain, and suffering is multiplied by like 100 because it goes on to effect other people in ways i will never fully understand.

I just to a look at Leah, the three year old amazingly cute, and precious daughter of the family I'm staying with; and i pray to God that my own sin and flesh won't hurt her, forgive me God if some how it does.