Monthly Topics

Monday, November 9, 2009

What's New? In the Neighborhood?

Well, i'm not sure about how many people are still checking this, but i had sometime today and thought i might just say what's up with me. If you get a chance check out Cindy McGill, an amazing evangelist who goes to Burning Man, a new age gathering, every year, as to do outreach. She came to our church and did a conference on outreach, and moving in the spirit. Really this meaning that we are living moment by moment, sensitive to what God is saying, and coming to Him seeking His guidance so that we can walk in obedience and see Him pour out His love for people by depositing encouraging words, prophetic words, healing of hearts, and bodies. It was an awesome time, and to wrap up the conference she spoke for our two Sunday services, and i got the pleasure of leading worship for both services. It was such an amazing time where i was really able to move in the anointing of God while speaking destiny and hope into people's lives.

So yesterday our Anthem school got to go and spend some time with Cindy. We went to the Rogue Valley Mall in Medford for an hour and went out in two's to talk with people and give encouraging words to people as the Spirit led us. I went went with a first year girl, named Sarah, who by the way is 21. We walked for about 10 minutes then we sat down, and both of us without talking, felt like we would just let the Lord lead someone to us. Within 2 minutes a guy came and sat down next to us and started talking to us about his children. I was like, here it is!! So i began to talk with him about how i was hearing that he tries very hard at all he does, yet it doesn't quite work out how he hopes. Nothing he does is perfect enough, and he tries so very hard to be a good dad, yet can't be good enough. So... i told him how God is so very proud of him and wants him to know things will work out for the better and to begin to trust in Him. He was so thankful and began to tell us how his girlfriend had left him and their 2 kids because she is struggling with some addiction to some drug, and now he's homeless for the first time, and it's also his first time in Medford and he's new to the town. Pretty huge stuff, but he was very encouraged, and i prayed for the guy and he was sweating immensely by the way. Anyways pretty awesome stuff, God is so good.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I just thought that i'd write about how tight things are getting right now. I'm trying so hard to continue to conserve my money but i am constantly having to buy things for myself, food and such. I just spent 20 bucks for a halloween costume, now i have probably less than a hundred bucks left after i pay for my car insurance, not forgetting to mention that it cost me a hundred dollars just to register my car under my name. Who knew driving legally was such a huge issue.

That makes me think of a book i read called Into The Wild, where the boy has so many problems about our world such as we claim to live in a society that has freedom, yet he can't even canoe on a river because someone owns it and there are a bunch of laws against people canoing without licenses and experience. Sooo, what about driving, if i made a car myself, i wouldn't even beable to drive it for free, i'd need a license, tags, it be registered, insurance - so much for FREEdom.

Maybe i'm just being too literal...