Monthly Topics

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Oh life, life, life. God is so amazingly good. I can not believe my God, because the relationship i have with Him is so undeserved, yet daily i receive more love in my brokeness, more joy in my despair, more hope in my fear. God is answering my prayers like I've never could imagine. Yet, daily i come to God with an expectancy saying, "Lord, i have an expentancy that as i persue your presence you will move in and around my life like I've never seen before. So, lord lead me by your spirit, because there is no place greater than in your courts."

Speaking of courts. Volleyball! Wow, who would have thought God could use such a seemingly small thing, to really uncover some roots and agreements we've made in our lives. Granted, it's awesome to be active and sweat a bit, and be a bit competative every once in awhile, but each week I'm kinda like, "okay God who's gonna get set off today?" Yet, I know that God must be doing a work in me, because in times where I feel my flesh rising up as i pound another spike straight into the net as hard as I can, I go to God saying, "Lord take my heart, and my frustration." And thank God, He comes and saves me, from a fatal accident.

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