Monthly Topics

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Living Waters Artcert Fundraiser

Hosted By:
Jonathan Hillis

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Living Waters Church
2200 Roberts Rd.

The "Artcert" is an art show, silent auction and acoustic style concert all rolled into one amazing event. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. We are providing childcare, refreshments, and espresso drinks at no additional cost. All proceeds go directly to Anthem School of Ministry's year-end outreach to Compostella, Mexico. Features: Emily Overstreet, Josh Capehart, and Jonny Hillis

Click Here To View Event

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hey "everybody, yeah, rock your body..." -Backstreet Boys, just kidding. Anyways this weekend was one of the most amazing weekends ever, i pretty much sprinted up a mountian, however i also hit the top, tripped on the tip and fell strait down to the bottom ha. But thankfully God caught me and i landed on another mountain, a bigger one. (If you listen to Garris Elkins Message from this sunday on Prophesy Hope to The Seed, i think he made this analogy as well).

So i left on Thursday arrived around 9 at night, Cale my roomate drove me and we had an awesome time, being able to talk, and be men and find our own way without ever needing guidance, we never had directions with us either, we just glanced at them before we left. Anyways, we sat with a friend of mine, Ashton, in his hottub for probably an hour or so, and just talked to him about God, and what He was doing in us, and teaching us. Ashton went on to share things with us that me and Cale recognized as we were like, "Oh my gosh we totally had a class about that." Ha, it's actually true, thanks Ryan. To sum up Sisters quick is to say, Minister. I saw so many friends, adults, teachers, and leaders. In all this time God totally gave me things to say to these people to minister to people, i had no planned idea or thought in what i wanted to do or say while i was in Sisters, but God continually brought me to a place where i began talking about God and what He was doing.

One major event, that i think God brought me to Sisters for was for my hair dresser. ha. I got my hair cut by the way, once again, the fohawk. But my hair dresser, Tracy, is a Christian who has been though countless hard times, and she continues to follow God. She ended up falling into God's trap as she asked me what I am doing in Medford, and bam, open door. I just started talking about all the amazing things God has been doing, then she asked questions about my opinion towards our culture. As i shared my biased, christian belief, ha, she totally agreed with me as i told her about Jesus walking with the girl who's going into the abortion place and not standing in the crowd yelling at her. "God hates the sin, but loves the sinner."

Here's where it gets good!!! She told me how she is divorced twice and has three children with her first husband, and she got married to here second husband last year and it totally failed and within a year divorced once again. How broken and useless she felt. This is where God's love comes in. Ryan shared with us, in a class, Thursday morning, the day before I talked to Tracy, about how God uses our life as a testimony, and it doesn't become a testimony until we get healing, but we can't have healing until we go through the pain and receive it. But so many times we pray that God will just take away the pain and hurt. God may let us avoid going through that, but until we want to go deeper and have healing, God takes us back to that pain so that we can have complete freedom, and that testimony. (This concept can be seen in Israel's struggle towards getting to the promise land. I also used this concept for my EP-CD i'm hoping to release soon titled, "The Muck and The Mire") Sorry, off track, but as I said this, Tracy stopped and turned and looked at me and said, "Wow, I really needed to hear that." I proceeded to tell Tracy that i new God brought me to Sisters for a reason and if it was only to tell her that, then awesome! God's loves her, and God imparted that wisdom into me only the day before sharing it with Tracy and hopefully turn her life around. Praise God that that love is true and for me and you.

Listen to Joe Cockrum's Message, from this last sunday at:

You have to right click the audio hyperlink and save the target as to download it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Been Awhile?

Yes. Yes it has been awhile since my last post, I can't blame this one on business however, the delay comes from my lack of commitment to this ha. So what's been new Jonny? Well I am doing great, the last couple of weeks have been some of the greatest weeks of my life, not because i won the lottery, or made a winning shot in a basketball game and received fame, or because i played a song at a coffee shop and got signed to a 10 year contract with a major record label. No those things do not attribute to these past great weeks. It's more than having good things happen to me, it's that in hard things God has been faithful to be there always. Not saying the past two weeks have been hard or bad. Actually nothing really bad ever happened. Had a few deep, confrontational conversations with a few choice people, but God has been faithful to shower me with His love, comfort, gifts, joy, and peace. I've also been talking to God more, and have been hearing Him more as He speaks to me. (Just to let you know I just had a coffe so I'm pumped right now, that was my 2nd burst of coffee today)

I'm going to get some TBell right now. Then i got church tonight and I'm taking care of the kids, it's going to rock, hopefully i don't have a down after my caffine fades away.

Lastly I have an opportunity to potentialy be an intern at Beaverton Four Square this summer, so be praying for me and that God will give me clarity. Love ya guys, sorry that I'm kind lame and type random stuff, that's not really inspiring and challenging, such as Garris Elkins blog. (It rocks, everyone should check it out!!!!)