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Friday, February 13, 2009

Ryan Rhoden Teaching Old Testament Survey Class


ryrho said...

I think...if we're going to record, we need better equipment!!! It sounds like we're all under water. ;)

micahandjello said...

Hmm… Interesting introduction. I am curious to hear the rest of the teaching. That introduction raises a lot of questions for me, and maybe it’s something that has been talked about more. I heard him say something like, “God will bless us if we align ourselves with Israel.” I’m assuming that ‘us’ and ‘ourselves’ refers to the U.S. and or it’s citizens, but really am not sure. To follow what he was saying, that we have been aligned with Israel and have therefore been favored or protected or blessed or something by God, we have to ask the question, “What about those who are or have not been favored or protected or blessed and are strong supporters of Israel or loyal citizens of the U.S.? And, what is the benefit that we have seen because of our support for Israel?

I ask this question because in addition to God’s favor for Israel seen in the OT I also read instructions and promises and values about reconciliation, forgiveness, and justice for the oppressed. I do not think it is unreasonable to put forth that many in the region, including persons in Iran, are oppressed. Many persons are, in fact, oppressed by us. (That refers to the U.S.) A bigger call and effort of love may be to protect all people in the region, to be adamant about everyone’s right to exist, to strive for peace. What if instead of advocating solely for Israel, we (that one refers to Christians) helped build peace so that everyone has peace. Why should we settle for just the citizens of one country, or for one country? Why not everyone.

I also missed the connection between abortion and abandoning Israel? Did he say more on that? It was also a quiet part of the audio clip.

Suppose the U.S. stopped supporting Israel, and support can refer to whatever you want. What would it mean to fall down, as a nation?

I did appreciate his statement that we should not become nationalistic. The cross and the flag have been confused by many Christians. That is not to say that I do not confuse the cross with things, but an identity as Christian and an identity as a U.S. citizen are two different things that are both very defining of a person.