Monthly Topics

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Forevermore Once Again!!!!

Yes, it's Coming again, it's Forevermore, The Re-Birth!

This post is going to be coming in parts as I keep updating it, but today we had a class with our Senior Pastor Garris Elkins, and during it I totally felt the Holy Spirit bringing a major heaviness on me as I thought about Forevermore. I was feeling so excited about it that my stomach was hurting, and I was like "okay God I get it, you want us to do Forevermore, now take away the butterflies in my stomach." It's was a crazy awesome thing, but I really felt like God was wanting me to Re-Birth Forevermore and have everyone in Anthem be apart of it.

But what is IT? you may be asking... Well Forevermore is an event me and a core group of friends did where we invited all the youth groups from Sisters, and our church to come to a night of worship where it was our core youth worship team and a couple other individuals that helped us out. Our focus was that we could all come together under one common theme of, Jesus. Our phrase for it was, "No religion, just Jesus." With this in mind we didn't was to be teaching doctrine, or telling people about how they suck as life, or that eveyone is a sinner. We were coming together to pursue the Holy Spirit and let God speak to everyones' heart. This was kind of the basics.

Friday, October 24, 2008


This girl who is next to me. Is yes oh yes so free. But she sits wondering at what she's to do. Her days go on as she trys to persue, the things of God she desires, but life struggles make fires. Until one day she will finally know, that all of this is just a show.

A Poem I just wrote off the top of my head. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Red Robin It Is!!

So yes, I am now a Red Robin Employee!! I just got hired today, thank you Jesus!! Now I will have money.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Job ;(

So I still don't have a job yet. And i have applied to 5 different resturaunts and the only place that seems like a slight possibility is Red Robin. Everyone so far has told me, "they are accepting applications anytime, but they are fully staffed at the moment." I have also talked with a couple manangers and I get the same speil. Red Robin however told me they didn't have many servers, but i have to wait until monday to talk with someone and see if I have the job. I been waiting for a week and a half now, and I am praying that all this waiting is going to pay-off. Be praying that I get a job, 'cause I need one.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mexico...shots...pass out...

So Anthem is going on a Mission trip to Compistella, Mexico. While we are there we will be helping out a freshly started church and doing many other things, possibly helping out an orphanage, i believe. But in order to go to on the mission trip we had to get some shots...

So I found out, that even though I have gone to Mexico 2 years in a row, I had to get 3 series of vaccines. Hep A (2), Typhoid, and Tetnus. So i got all these shots this morning, also i had no breakfast because I had the brilliant idea that I shouldn't eat because I was getting a shot. Smart I know! So after the 2 shots (my 3rd vaccine was a pill) I went up to pay... In a series of steps I felt sick to my stomach, then I felt hot, then I was in a cartoon, then I was looking at 2 old ladies (the nurses) and I was laying on the ground and they were asking me if I was ok. Very very trippy, but awesome!!! I am all good now though. I hit my head pretty hard on the tile floor I guess, and messed up a wall in the lounge, and I ate a nurses granola bar.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"The Canteen"

I had this picture the other day (I thought I wrote about it, but i guess not), and it was of us being so dependant on God that we (metaphore) run to the river with our canteen in hand saying God fill us, and he overflows our canteen. It's kind of a simple concept and picture, but it spoke to me and made me think. I think I had the picture when I was praying and thinking about the whole communion thing (last post, for people who are actually keeping up ha).

The cool part of this picture is that tonight, we had a worship and soaking service at the church, and it was awesome by the way. But what was sweet was that God gave me a different picture that related to the canteen. It was that we were going to the river with this huge canteen that weighed like 100 pounds (not filled) and it took both arms completely outstretched to hold. Then we'd finally make it to the river, dropping it a couple times on the way, maybe contemplate on not actually taking this huge monster. But then we tell ourselves we have so much STUFF in our life that we have to have to have this HUGE canteen filled with God's water to refresh us, so that we can keep going on the same way, but "feel" better and refreshed. With that God was saying to me that we should progressively bring a smaller canteen because as we become more surrendered to God, we have less stuff that we need God to cover and refresh us with. Because as we become more surrendered, we care less and less about ourselves, because we are completely surrendered to God, and we care more for others, the way Jesus did, and the way that Christianity says we are supposed to. (the whole Christians are Christ-like thing - which is actually true) You could even get to a point where you are carrying two canteen's down to the river, one for you (because you will always need a canteen for yourself, because only Jesus could really be completely selfless and surrendered) and another canteen for someone else.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So this is not a post at all to tell how communion should look, or anything against how church's are doing communion. This is more of a revelation from God for me to be able to participate in communion so that God can fully work through me.

To back track, the idea of communion never seemed significant to me. I kind of just did it just to do it, like most. I mean yeah it's a recollection of what Jesus did for us, and may be a unifying thing for the body of Christ. But it's just another part of church, I think most people do just because. My brother (Micah) actually stirred this up in me when at a Sunday morning church service he did not take communion. Rather he just worshipped and prayed. When I asked him what that was all about (because it struck me weird that my brother who I looked up to, and knew loved God very much, did do this), he told me that he never understood the significance of it as well, he just kind of had the same feelings for it as me, he just chose not to do it, because why do something if you don't believe whole heartedly in doing it. (I think that is close to a famous quote or something) But anyways we talked about what we thought communion should look like.

This brings me to this last sunday morning church service where we took communion. I really pressed into God and tried to understand what it was all about, and I got these words:

Communion is a choice to participate, surrender, and step-out and say, "Lord I thank you for your body and the blood you shed, so I will take these elements because I can not do anything on my own, and I need your body and you blood, I have to have Jesus." It's also a unifying thing, when the whole body is joining together saying that (what i just said). And by unifying fully to be DEPENDANT, we grow as a body and we see the glory and power of God. I also wrote He will move, which is kind of implied by seeing the glory and power of God.

Lastly I, yes this is a me moment and thought, think that the offering elements should be, when done in a church service, at the front of the santuary and people should get up out of their seats to go and grab the elements. But then I don't know what they should do after that, i think it is just a cool concept to make people have to go and get it themselves. I think you see what I am saying here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Surrender, has been my theme of life this summer and is still continuing. I just read a verse, Galations 5:24-25. And it talks about following the Spirit leading us, and by doing that we who belong to Jesus Christ have nailed our passions and sinful desires to the cross and cruicified them there. That's an awesome verse.

It's funny I recall AP English Senior year and we read a book entitled, "Anthem" (which is funny in that I am at Anthem, how ironic). I keep looking back at the significance of this book, and it was that the main character developed an Ego, in a society where NO ONE had an ego. The funny part of this is that God's challenging me to drop my Ego, and not necessarily follow the crowd or develop my own thoughts, but to be selfless.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hey so I had this idea for a band. I have told lots of people about it, but it would be awesome if people pray about this and if they feel like God wants this for me.

So this is the gist of the band. We are called Corinthians because, the point of Corinthians was for Paul to help the Corinthians Church by strengthening the church, and challenge those people to model their lives after the heart of Christ. With that in mind, we (which is just me at the moment) are going to go to churches (mostly 4 square and assemblies of God) to challenge the churches body and really get to know the people in the church, and help them keep their focus on the heart of God. Our (mine so far ha) mission statement is: "Reshape and reignite God's Holy church by unifying the body of Christ under a shared passion for the love of Jesus Christ."

Our schedule would look like: Saturday we would be at a church and have an awesome worship concert and share God's heart with the people. Sunday we would help out with the worship and talk with the worship team and be constantly getting closer to the people at the head of the church, so that we develop a faithful bond between them. Monday we would travel to another church/youth group. Show up on Tuesday and have a concert/worship night with youth or church, and once again hang out with the people, and have fun and laugh. Wednesday we would help out with worship and maybe share a message for youth. Ultimately doing this so that we can impact the youth and see the spread out to their families. "Any revolution starts with the youth" - I think I heard this quote from Joe. Thursday and Friday maybe have another concert in which we invite people from all over, and we advertise this concert and have a major revival!!! Then we would start it all over on Saturday doing what we did the week before.

Another idea I had in mind for Corinthians is that we are totally not doing this for money, maybe alittle bit for publicity, but mainly for the church. Our only income we will get is from the churh, as donatoins towards us being able to continue spreading God's heart for the church.

I will be posting more stuff about Corinthians, like who else is in the band ha, and what else God gives me for this. But be praying for this.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Beginning of Anthem and our Retreat

So this is my first post for my days in Anthem.

To start it off, as everyone knows I took off on Friday to go to Medford, and I left around 12 o'clock, ,made it through Bend and was so excited, until about 20 minutes just outside of Sunriver, my car birthed a glitch. I was maintaing about 60 mph when all the sudden my accelerator dropped and became very touchy. I would push my foot down on the accelerator and I would maybe accelerate about 2 mph but my rpm's were jumping like crazy. On top of it all smelled some burning oil and heard a whining in my engine that was probably close to a G# tone. My transmission was shot! Long story short, I could still drive my car, so I back tracked it all to Sisters and left it at Alison Tenneson's house. She has someone take a look at it, and yes, my transmission was shot. Cost: $1,800. Not quite pocket change. I am looking forward to my tax return I will get sometime in February, but I am not going to enjoy the 4 months being carless. Be praying for my transportation issue. It's such a minor thing right now, because I am trusting that Jesus has such a great plan for me and will take care of me.

I made it to Meford though on Saturday, by mooching a ride off the Tenneson's. I got to my apartment, have all my stuff unpacked and I am nice and settled - for all those people who may be ask others if I am settled. I stayed for a night, and Sunday I went and attended Living Waters Church service. Talk about a church who's entire body is completely surrendered and broken to the love and Holy Spirit of God. I have honestly never seen a church like this; a normal church service was like a day of summer camp at Crestview. I will talk more about church in future posts, since this is only the first.

The Retreat was sooo amazing, God has so much in store for me, and is taking me to greater things. It was so awesome to be in this intimate setting with all these people who are longing for the desires and heart of God. Ryan Rhoden, the head of Anthem, took us through Colossians chapter 3. What an amazing chapter, this is the basis of our rules for Anthem. We went through this chapter like two hundred times throughout the retreat, analyzing it so much, and really get what God wants us to get us out of the chapter.

Well they are shutting down the internet here in 10, no now 9 minutes. So I will get these out to you and keep in touch.

"Renewing of the Mind" - Tory Wheeler who got it from our Associate Pastor Verl Simpson